Alien RP Fantasy

it's extreme but exciting.
The alien scenario can be a bit extreme and there’s no doubt that I would have certainly freaked out if someone suggested this in the beginning. Heck I was freaked out by almost everything at first. I guess you could say I’ve grown though because I definitely enjoy extremes in here now, especially if they can be role played well. Aliens aren’t for everyone, for sure. But it can be much more intimate and exciting than you would ever expect if you role play it right.

It was just so sudden, waking up in a strange place, feeling sick from hyper sleep and then to be stuck here. At first we were just herded like cattle and thrown into a cage. There were several other girls in the beginning and one of them told me a little bit about this place. You can hear the screams sometimes and I huddled in the corner trying not to look.

Someone said that their females are all in fertile so they are using us instead. At first they just seemed to be testing things on me. They would strap me down and do several medical tests but then the changes started. My breasts have been swelling and it’s hard to think sometimes but I am always horny and aroused.

I don’t know how long I’ve been here now but whatever they did to me, it seems to turn me into some kind of sexual animal. Even if I’m not alone I feel like I spend half the time playing with myself and I can’t seem to stop or get enough. I hope they either get some new girls or let me out soon or I swear I’ll go crazy. I’ve seen some of the aliens and they are fearsome, but the way I feel now even one of them would be a relief.

Here’s another example with more of the Pedator version.

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