Posts tagged “imvu love

The combination of emotional and physical is powerful

loving imvu familyA lot of people stop at the physical side, because that’s what they’re used to with porn or something by themselves. IMVU is more than porn. Yes it’s a little less then real sex but if you really get into it it’s only a very little less. It can also create something that you don’t necessarily have in real sex after a while, that’s the emotional head over heels heart wrenching passion of falling deeply in love. You probably had it at least once in real life but in reality it doesn’t last forever for most of us.

Sure I love my husband but I’m not head over heels in love with him like I was when we first met. That’s nothing against him or us it’s just life. Real life isn’t quite a fairytale fantasy all the time. But this kind of can be.

sexy family timesSome relationships only have the emotional side, and that can be great. Some only have the physical side. Some people live in and never get out of that stage. The real magic though in IMVU comes when you are able to combine both sides!

The heartfelt intimacy and connection makes the passion more powerful. And powerful passion leads to more intimacy and even more of a connection. Either one is great but the combination is ubber powerful!

Congratulations Stephanie! We LOVE you!!

Riding off into the imvu LOVE with YOUTomorrow is a special day for one of the most special people I’ve had the privilege of getting to know in here. I wrote a long time ago about the magic of a Pure Heartfelt Connection and that’s truer than ever. And sharing that and feeling that with Stephanie has been one of the best things of all in IMVU. I’ve had the privilege and honor of sharing all of the emotion and excitement of an amazing real life fairytale love. And tomorrow she marries her real life prince charming.

I love her more than words can say, so I’ve collected several hundred pictures and a few videos to try and capture some of that love. No word or pictures could ever repay the love and happiness I’ve felt with her but I hope this gives you an idea. And Stephanie I’ll laugh and cry with you always. You’ll be awesome and like I’ve always said, You have AMAZING things ahead. This is just the beginning and even though I can’t be there with you physically, I want you to know I’m sooo there in spirit, happy dancing right beside you, and whispering in your ear. Ik hou van jou Stephanie

Here’s the link to download in HD

Why go out of your way to help people?

love in imvuThis is such an anonymous place, and nobody really knows who you are. You can be anything you want and nobody knows. A lot of people have fun being tough and putting people down. I’ve gone into rooms and seen people just sit there belittling everyone, complaining and harassing people for no reason. Nothing really bad happens to them. They might be blocked by a few people but they just keep venting and seem to have fun being as nasty as possible. Some people call them haters. They just seem to just enjoy venting their hatred.

It takes effort to help someone, a gift or kind word, a message of caring that you might not even get any response to. Why go out of your way and help people when you’re so anonymous? I’ve tried to answer this a little in here but I saw a video today that explained it better than anything I could ever say. It’s obviously not about IMVU but it applies to people and things in here! It has 15.2 million hits on Goggle so I guess it resonates. I hope you like it as much as I did. (Warning you’re gonna cry.)

Why exclusivity Is hard in IMVU

the most amazing dance partnerEven virtual passion is definitely more powerful and more real with the one you love the most. It strengthens the relationship and is important to it. You can create a great variety even with the same person by changing rooms and costumes very easily. Even someone else that’s technically as good wouldn’t know me, what sets me off, and wouldn’t be able to reach right into my heart and make me explode the way my lover does. I could be perfectly happy being just with the one that I love the most, if they were always available but that can be hard to maintain.

Fairy LoveThat’s why one of the issues with having a relationship here is that we all have different and varying hours and schedules. If you and your partner were only on at the exact same hours, it would minimize any need for outside passion. Unfortunately though life here doesn’t seem to work that way and schedules don’t ever seem to mesh perfectly.

Even when they do seem to for a while, Murphy’s law kicks in and life often changes and our availability changes. One of the hardest things that can happen to you, is to be in love with somebody that you csee less and less of. Trust me I’ve been there. Breakup or divorce by lack of contact does happen and hurts almost as much an explosion. It’s just more spread out.

sail lovingOn the other hand, there is definitely some benefit to waiting for them too. That’s why I feel like something in the middle works for me. Instead of focusing or thinking about it as exclusivity (which is limiting) or not exclusivity, think about it more as making your partner your priority, and doing everything possible to constantly reinforce that and show that you love your partner every way that you can! As long as you keep doing that and focus on that, you will have a great growing empowering loving relationship.

It seems obvious to me that having one highest priority partner is the best and can be totally amazing. But it’s also helpful to have some other good friends in imvu that you can share some passion with but which understand your priorities. Beyond that its also important to have great solid supportive friends that you are super close to but not overly physical. (I say overly because cuddling and even flirting is nice and strengthens the connections).

so much love and so specialThis isn’t easy and definitely takes a lot of balancing. This is also very personal and only my opinion of course and I there really isn’t a right answer about this for everyone. The best solution for you in this is probably also going to change over time. There are also a lot of great relationships that are probably very different. So as usual this is just one crazy girls opinions at the time. I reserve the right to change them and disagree even with myself sometimes too.

How to be better at IMVU Sex

telling you the secret
secret2The first most important thing is the attitude of wanting and trying to please your partner. When you put that first everything else tends to work out. The ones that don’t seem to be trying are the ones I remove or avoid. And even people that aren’t that great or are just ok can get better if they’re really trying and want to please the other person.

The second most important thing to do to be better at passion is to open up and really let your heart flow. You have to put yourself into your AVI and learn to feel and express even the details as much as possible. Use lots of adjectives and paint a vivid word picture of every little detail and action.

secret3Sexiness comes from your mind and the words you use are more important in great passion then sexy poses, triggers or voice boxes or anything else. But that doesn’t mean that the other things don’t help or add to it. So set up and use sexy poses and dress sexy and use sexy music or sounds appropriately. Sex and great love here doesn’t come from those things but doing all of the smaller pieces right definitely adds to the quality and excitement.

secret4There are a few other things you can do that can help you to do a better job that I don’t tell most people about. The best secret trick is to use Dragon Naturally Speaking or any voice program that allows you to talk instead of having to type. I don’t do this during regular chats, but in passion I like to be able to have my hands free so I can enjoy it and still do a good job making it fun and sexy for my partner.

secret5I also use a couple other tricks that I don’t talk about as much. I use a program that helps in typing things, kind of like an auto correct. This allows you to expand a couple of letters into phrases or even whole sentences. I got a gaming keyboard that has a programmable macro keys. I even got a foot pedal so I can just tap the pedal instead of having to use the keyboard for a couple things.

I made a database of all of the best lines I used or could find. A little bit of preparation can help make it very powerful and a lot easier. Some of the macro programs can automate a lot of it. I don’t find that I use those type of macros or the prepared lines as much once I got good with Dragon, because I’m with the same people fairly frequently and I don’t want them to feel any of it is canned or less than less sincere. The point though is that you should try to find a few ways to shortcut and make it easier to do a good job.

secret6One of the things that I do which not everybody does is music. If you search a little bit and work at it you can put together some very hot sexy IMVU music mixes that will add to the feeling of passion.

Make or even find a couple IMVU rooms that have fun themes and use them with some friends. A generic looking room, or even worse the default room is kind of a turn off. But a very sexy room that’s different and exciting will definitely make someone want to come back again and so will real powerful love! Follow up afterwards with a note or two, to stay on their mind, and don’t sound like you’re gonna come track them down, but let them know if you appreciate it.

Open up and enjoy the emotional intensity of IMVU

intense imvu loveHave you had the type of intense passion that just blows you away? You feel like your whole heart just exploded and you can’t think about anything else and even long after you’ve left, just tingle still lost in that love. How does that happen? It takes some getting used to and time here to really put yourself into your avi, and to learn to open up, to lower your walls and ultimately to open your heart and totally give it away. You also have to find the right person that you fit with and that’s done all those things, put themselves into their avi, opened up and truly totally loves you back, the flow can be amazing.

intense imvu passionI think of it like a fight, where you push your partner’s buttons, and they push yours, and you scream louder and louder, each pushing and escalating, until it spirals totally out of control, but in a good way. You both explode and feel the earth shake! And the amazing thing is that a relationship is the accumulation of the emotion you’ve shared and sharing like this definitely adds up. I wrote recently about being sluttified, because as soon as I see my love, I feel that passion aching to get out, pulling me even if we’re just hanging out and talking. It’s always there, waiting, craving.

Even more excitingly, just like sometimes a relationship gets into a fighting rut, and you tend to fall into the same posture and fight over and over again more and more easily, the same thing happens here in love and passion here. You fall right back into it, opening up, pushing their buttons and getting yours pushed, escalating more and more intensely until you can’t stop it. It’s fun to change things, to change poses, and situations, but you can get seriously addicted to the passion.

intense imvu kissI worry a little about how this would have affected me when I was younger. The intensity of IMVU is almost dangerous in some ways, and it’s also what makes it hurt soo terribly when it falls apart too. But it’s the most amazing rollercoaster of emotion you’ll ever find. I don’t know how to find words for it really. Songs tend to describe it better than words to me and I love my music in here.

I feel like the luckiest person in the IMVU world, having a decent life and good family, and being able to have the most amazing fantasy at the same time. I guess I’ve probably said this in a lot of posts, especially lately because I’m feeling it so much. Put yourself into it, open your heart and learn to let it flow and you’ll have more fun, more love and more passion than you can probably even imagine. Find the right person, someone on the same page with you in terms of their time and likes here; someone that has done those things too and share this amazing ride together, day by day.

The Magic of IMVU

touching hearts in IMVUIMVU is ultimately about Relationships and being able to connect with people. And that’s hard to capture in words, but I want to share one of the most special moments I’ve had here. I think you’ll see why I say that. I didn’t make this for the website I made it for Stephanie, to keep on her cell phone and inspire her and be there for her for years to come. But I couldn’t not share this too.

an imvu fairy tale storyThere’s honestly no other way to say how special she is to me and how much this connection means. I’m sincerely honored to have several very special connections, with the most amazing people, each totally unique and more wonderful than I can say. Hopefully you can feel some of the heart and love in this and that you get to feel some of this magic too.

To Stephanie (and Wendy!!!) I love you more than I can ever say or show you, and being able to share this with you has truly been one of the most magic and special things of not just imvu but my whole life. Ik hou van jullie beide zo veel Stephanie and Wendy!

Poly-Amorism in IMVU

love in imvuPoly-Amorism means loving many. In our real lives everything works better and last longer and goes smoother when you have just one great love. But wait, that’s not true either. We all have lots of relationships and people that love us and we love in real life too. Some of them are mothers and sisters and relatives, coworkers or friends from church or your neighborhood… the list goes on. The key thing that you have to realize is that since you’re not actually having physical contact the consequences and seriousness of it aren’t the same in here and that’s part of the environment here more so than real life.

This is one of the major differences though with IMVU. First of all you don’t have the physical downside of multiple relationships. In real life it creates a health hazard and puts everyone at risk not to mention pregnancy, but here that isn’t a factor. Secondly, it’s geared towards anonymity and privacy so it’s very easy to see someone privately and confidentially, and to meet sexy strangers very easily too.

Those are both some of the reasons why multiple relationships here is not bad, but that doesn’t explain exactly why it’s so good and so prevalent here either. I think the very nature of this place is that it’s ultimately not real and isn’t designed to be a lifetime situation. It’s kind of like living in or going to an adult Disney World and limiting yourself to just one ride.

Unlike real life where the goal is usually to build a long term if not lifetime relationship and commitment, in here people come here for the journey or for the moment, to feel that once in a life time magical passion of new love over and over again. This is their fantasy and many people’s idea of a fantasy is not necessarily a single monogamous thing. Don’t get me wrong, some people definitely do that but given different schedules and life situations, unlike real life, monogamy seems to go against the grain of IMVU.

It’s not you, and it’s important to realize that your actions here do not translate into real life attitudes. Enjoy the magic of IMVU and enjoy the powerful passion that seems to fill this fantasy world.

Make it a happy IMVU Valentines Day!

Happy IMVU Valentines DayIn a lot of ways every day is Valentines Day in IMVU. The hardest part about being in love in IMVU is really finding a way to say how much you love them. I am so truly blessed and feel every day like the luckiest girl in IMVU. I’m sometimes afraid to say how much I love people on the webpage here because I don’t want anyone else to feel left out or that I don’t love them just as much. But I simply can’t say Happy Valentines without saying I LOVE YOU with all my heart to Susan, Katy and Kris.

Every connection is different and truly special. We struggle sometimes, going through tough things but being there for each other is what makes it so special. It’s the most amazing thing and in some ways what life is really all about. There are cynics that act like it’s all fake or just a game, but it can be the most amazing special thing ever. It isn’t always, like life it has ups and downs. But when you open up and truly love and share together, the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and something truly magical can happen. It’s not just passion, it’s wonderful heart felt LOVE.

Buy a couple tracks from Music for Sex On the Beach or Erotic Sounds for Lovers. Have some floating hearts ready like Floating Hearts, Falling Love Hearts, or Cloud of Hearts. Get a valentine pose from
MrGoldMetal and share something special with the one you love.

passionate valentine kissesMake a special date with your valentine. Any time this week is fine, but making a special time makes it automatically feel more special. You might want to make a special new room, or find one. It doesn’t matter, as long as you take the time to share honest true heart felt feelings and make it special for them. Don’t have a happy valentines day, MAKE it a special Valentines Day.

There are a LOT of ways to say I LOVE YOU in Imvu, and every relationship is different but Valentines Day is a great excuse to say something special, something extra, more than you do other days. I really love a lot of wonderful people in here but nobody more than Katy, Susan and Kris! (OK I’ll also give special mention to Gabby, Stephanie, Wendy and Collette!)

Falling in love in IMVU

imvu loves kissWhen I first came here I didn’t really think you could fall in love in imvu like this. It is fun but how could it be as good as real life? Everybody’s results will be different, every relationship is different. Honestly though not only can you fall in love here but it can be even more intense more exciting and more passionate then real life.

I don’t know exactly why it’s more intense in imvu. I don’t know if it’s because our brain feels in the gaps with what we want, or it’s a fantasy so we can make it look even better than reality, or just the fact that there is no dirty laundry no little things that bother you. imvu motorcycle chics Maybe it’s a combination of all of those things and something else, but whatever the reason not only is it possible to fall in love but you can fall deeper and more intensely and love here then almost anywhere else.

Everything happens faster here, so it’s understandable that love happens quicker but the intensity can be a little bit of a shock sometimes. The other side of the intensity is that what goes up usually comes down and unfortunately if you thought it was fast and intense falling in love, falling out of love can be even faster and more intense. It also seems to get better each time too, so hang in and hold on. It can be a wild ride.

Touching Hearts and Lives

touch me tenderly sunsetYou never know how what you say or do sometimes affects people and makes such a huge difference. Even the smallest thing can sometimes make a huge difference not just in here, but in someone’s whole life. I can’t go into someone else’s story but one of my best friends wrote a three word message at the right time that changed someone’s whole life. You never know when the right caring word is going to reach someone in need.

This isn’t just a game, it opens you up to real people, real friends that can’t help but affect each other in so many different and often unpredictable but beautiful ways. Life principles seem to apply here even more, or maybe they’re just more visible without so many things in the way. Whatever the reason, realize that Karma applies here very strongly. The secret to getting friends is to be a friend. And the secret to getting love is to give love. And the secret to being happiness here is to uplift and love everyone around you. Maybe none of those things is really secret, and I’ve probably said all of that before, but it’s worth repeating. These are real people and have real lives, often in very different situations than we realize, touching lives in imvubut all with very real emotions. It’s fun and sexy but becomes so much more too.

Another of my friends made it her resolution to make new friends and help more people. I can’t say it enough about my friends in here. I’m truly blessed, with the most amazing friends more than anything and I just try to return some of that. Uplift everyone. Share your heart and love people and you’ll touch and be touched too!

Deeper Love

Laughing so hard you cry sharing more than you can explainPeople sometimes think that it is only about sex… And if you looked at my life here it might be easy to think that at first. I have an awful a lot of fun, but I also have so much more!

Holding someone you love in the hospitalJust in the past couple days, I have prayed with someone before their surgery and when their grand parent died, flown as fairies in the moonlight with new friends, introduced two friends that have started a relationship, held a friend that thought she was pregnant and and reassured her that it would be alright, (before anyone in her real life knew) and just shared a lot of life events with the people that I truly love.Fairy Love in the moonlight

So yes I love the passion in here, but there is so much more, more than I would ever have imagined. Real love is made up of a lot of different things, not just being physical. Every relationship is different and unique but open your heart and be willing to share all of life’s little moments and ups and downs too. That becomes even more important in the end. more than just friends in imvu

I’ve probably said this many times over the past couple years in different posts, in different ways. But IMVU is much more then you see on the surface. It’s beautiful to be able to share and feel these things and make such truly meaningful connections deep in your heart.