IMVU Porn or a Romantic Encounter?

imvu fantasy
The difference between porn and a thrilling romantic adventure isn’t whether or not you have sex or not. It’s whether there’s a story or plot. I find that a lot of guys when asked what their favorite fantasy or RP scenario is, they just think sex, anything with you babe or two imvu girls at once. Most guys don’t understand or appreciate that girls (not guys pretending to be girls) need more build up, that they don’t usually just want to jump into sex. They also don’t realize how much more sexy it is to really build up and put yourself into a whole scene, not just a pose.

Even if they’re only ultimately only looking for interactive porn they have to realize that adding some build up and plot to it doesn’t make it less sexy and it makes it much more sexy and harder for a girl to resist. So guys, even if all you care about is the sex, learn to paint a compelling and vivid scene with some romance and excitement and the sex will be much better.

And if you don’t quite see how to do that, look through some of the imvu fantasy scenarios here to get ideas. Have fun and send me a note to let me know how it worked for you.

5 responses

  1. Pingback: Protect Your Heart « Kaitlyn's IMVU Tips

  2. Pingback: Define Real « Kaitlyn's IMVU Tips

  3. Pingback: The combination of emotional and physical is powerful | Kaitlyn's IMVU Tips

  4. Totally IMVU porn. No doubt. :)

    February 2, 2016 at 3:07 pm

    • It is whatever YOU make it. It’s great because it’s more than porn and the interactivity makes it much more ;)

      June 14, 2016 at 3:02 pm

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