It's a mix of one crazy MILF's experiences, IMVU tips & Relationship stuff.


Kait’s IMVU guide and Virtual Relationship advice

IMVU is an insane place that’s all about chatting, dancing, meeting new people, beautiful sexy cartoons, shopping, sexy clothes, strip clubs, sexy poses and parties of every description, and of course lots of sex, all in a reasonably safe virtual way. The real secret that some people never figure out or that at least takes a long time to figure out, is that under all that, imvu is really about relationships. The variety of relationships in IMVU is as vast and diverse as the two million people from over 80 countries.

Virtual relationships here can also be amazingly powerful and develop much faster here in this crazy world than in real life, without all of the distractions and nuisances of real life. Unfortunately I couldn’t find any frank real world advice about IMVU or virtual relationships. So after talking about that long enough I decided it was time to try to put something helpful for the IMVU community together. I don’t work for IMVU or even know anyone that does. I just Love IMVU, and this is just one crazy MILF’s random collection of thoughts and experiences in here. I like taking pictures and making videos of IMVU and try to keep most of the more adult things in a Private Section with passwords, but there are a lot of Imvu Girls here and many of the images are pretty sexy and geared toward an adult audience.

I hope you enjoy it and I’d love to hear your comments or feedback. IMVU User Name: Kaitlyn (send a message before Adding me as a Friend)

Is anyone still out there?

I haven’t been writing on here for a couple reasons.  I didn’t want to promote IMVU which kind of pissed me off, and I have had to work more and couldn’t put much time into this.  And also because I just focused on my own imvu time and began doing even more pictures and videos of that.  This just wasn’t any big deal and I didn’t figure it mattered if I continued.  But I’ll ask you, does this matter?  Do you really even care if I write more about IMVU or virtual relationships?  (there are a few things in the past couple years maybe I could write about if I can get back into the mood again.)

IMVU SUCKS and is hurting their customers!

You can tell by the dates that I haven’t written much in a very long time. I was tempted to turn the blog into a hate site, documenting how IMVU SUCKS because they surely do. I love the people more than I can possibly say, but hate the corporation more than I can possibly say too. They seem to intentionally screw the the system and the customers so badly that I just can’t stand to look like I’m representing it. So I figured it’s better to say nothing than to continue to do anything that promotes them.

They’ll probably retaliate against me if or when they see this and when they do that, I’ll ramp it up and and post the million horror stories about IMVU screwing their customer base both out of stupidity and to force them to spend a few bucks, because they figure you’re addicted because of the people, so they can so anything. But for now, I have to share the latest one, that happened to a friend of mine.

One of my best friends was chatting with her wife who was on her cell phone. When her wife closed the chat she hit the flag button by mistake. It happenes, I’ve even blocked my spouse by mistake (losing all the shared rooms) because the links are so small and close together and there’s no confirmation, if you hit the wrong thing on your phone, bamm they’re gone.

Later that day my best friend gets a note from IMVU saying they’re banning her for two weeks because she attempted to get users passwords. She is the sweetest person I know, doesn’t go to random rooms or talk to people she doesn’t know, honestly and truly a wonderful soul. And they’re accusing her of trying to hack other people’s accounts?! Everyone knew it was so completely wrong.

Hello, *********. We have evidence that you recently asked another user for their password and/or other account information. We have temporarily disabled your account for 2 weeks due to this Terms of Service violation. You will be able to login 2 weeks from the date of this e-mail.

Her wife who flagged it by mistake has written IMVU to say it was a mistake. IMVU has the conversation and knows there was no attempt to get anyone’s password, that is a blatant lie. There are THREE issues exposed here:

1. IMFU assumes anyone is guilty without even reviewing the accusation at all. They say they have evidence yet the evidence shows exactly the opposite except they didn’t actually look at it. And of course there’s no appeal process.

2. Even if you do prove you’re not guilty, which is made intentionally hard since they won’t show you the evidence or the accuser, they don’t care. In this case the accuser says it was a mistake, but they STILL DON”T CARE and are leaving her banned.

3. They intentionally bann users in order to force them to make a new avi and buy AP and credits and if you’re a developer to ultimately steal and continue to sell all your assets without having to pay any commission. So unfortunately they make money by attacking their customers, and as they’re base shrinks they do it even more.

IMVU is hurting two people in this case, both my friend who they banned and her wife (also my friend!) who made an honest mistake, all because IMVU cant’ be bothered to look at the content of a complaint, and because they can’t be bothered to fix even such an obvious mistake.

Two additional points here:
* They use the excuse that you were attempting to get users passwords (hacking) even when they know it’s not true at all! It’s just their standard broad excuse that they use for anything.
* You can get anyone banned anonymously by flagging any conversation. I probably shouldn’t say this out loud because it’s totally true and very dangerous. But hopefully if enough people abuse it you’d think they’ll have to change their policy. But unfortunately in the end the sad truth is they JUST DON’T GIVE A FLYING FRACK ABOUT THEIR CUSTOMERS and are happy to err on the side of hurting their customers to get them to spend a few bucks more.


If you wonder why I don’t post much here any more it’s because IMVU corporation SUCKS and I don’t want this to just be a complaint about IMVU. I love the people and the system isn’t bad, but the people that run it are driving it into the ground.

Happy Valentine’s Day xxx

Valentine’s Day is a holiday of Romance and Love. Romance is love in its active state, ignited and inspired. Valentine’s Day may feel like a holiday forced on us by the “greeting cards factory’s, jewelry stores and floral greenhouse industries”, but the truth is that we have accepted it because we recognize and value its purpose.
Love that never inspires romance is stagnant and stale. Valentine’s Day is an opportunity to ignite our existing relationship with romance, and love with an added dose of romance will result in a stronger, longer lasting and far more satisfying relationship.

Happy Valentine's Day

As we watch how the the sun go down,
I just want to let you know,
my love for you will last forever,
and I’ll never let you go.

You are the one I’ve been searching for,
the one I have finally found,
without you my darling in my life,
my world wouldn’t turn around.

The love and joy you bring into my heart,
which is so very true and kind,
is something in no other,
I could truly ever found.

Today isn’t just an ordinary Valentines Day,
it’s all about me and you,
about the loving feeling we both share,
and how it is continue grow.

It isn’t all about the chocolates,
neither about a dozen roses,
it’s about the love we found,
and how much we’ve been blessed.

Everything will happen with a reason,
I believe this statement is true,
that’s why you were sent to me,
and why I was sent to you.

I’ve never been more happy,
as I am with you,
even through rough times,
we’ll always make it through.

To be with you for eternity,
is all I want for me and you,
and I’ll promise you, with all my heart,
you’re my one and only, true love!

Happy Valentine’s Day…xxx

Sharing the journey

what do you want for ChristmasOne of the most surprising but ultimately most important valuable benefits of IMVU is the amazing way you get to share the journey with people you are closer to then your closest friends in real life.

sharing the journey bubblesSome of the changes and struggles and growing I’ve gone through together with friends in here is too personal to tell everyone about. But Let’s just say a couple of my friends that were single when I met them are happily married or in long loving relationships, friends have graduated and there have been a few real life marriages and even some families have started.

Those words and things alone can’t describe the emotional impact and feeling it gives me. When you have a really powerful heartfelt connection with somebody and share all of the emotion not just the event or details, it’s just amazingly powerful.reflections of Santa

So as I sit here on this holiday looking back on all the lives and connections I’ve felt here I can’t help but feel so lucky and appreciate you all so much! MERRY CHRISTMAS and thank you so very much! I can’t say it enough, but I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOU I LOVE YOUUUU!

It was like getting a tour of DisneyWorld from Walt Disney himself

Winter Wonderland with Walt DisneyI was looking for nice Christmas rooms and went into a room called Winter Wonderland. I clicked on it because I liked the picture and didn’t realize it was made by EricFr or even more surprising that Eric was actually there! I admit I was a little star struck because he’s one of, if not THE biggest brand name developers in IMVU.

snap02102He spent about an hour personally showing me the most amazing things in one of the most amazing rooms in all of IMVU. I edited it down a little for the video so it’s only 14 minutes. You can use the direct link to download the HD version if you like. It really was like being given the tour of Disneyworld by Walt Disney!

To find the room search your chat rooms for EricFR or Xmas or Winter Wonderland. One of the neatest things about IMVU is how with just a click anyone can have fun in and enjoy what must have taken a lot of time and effort to set up. It’s a long load but take your friends and have fun in it!


Download the HD version


One year ago today….

one year ago todayOne year ago today I met someone that changed my life. I don’t write too much about my personal life here. I don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable like I’ll talk about things too much. I show too much already, I don’t want to make everyone I’m with show too much but I love this person so much, I just have to stand on the top of the rooftop and scream I LOVE YOU KRIS!!!!

I made a short summary of this special day and just wanted to share it, to show how special it was. You never know when your whole life which change so take pictures and enjoy everything here. It’s soo special. I’ve had the most magical year. I can’t really show it all to you but I will gladly spend the rest of my life here showing you Kris, how much you mean to me!

Direct Link:

Have a THEME Party

imvu green lanternHalloween is a great time to have a party, but you can do it ANY time really. Pick a really different room with a theme and make or send some costumes. The more unique or different it is better. These are the memories and times you’ll always remember and laugh about for a long time, and make your friendships so solid. You can’t help but laugh and have an awesome time, whether it’s a holiday theme, or motor cycle gang, or space station, super heros, Indians, mermaids, gangsters, or, or, or…. It’s a great way to build a strong group and great friendships. Any excuse for a party, and this is a great way to have a memorable party! (Search 1Krisslyn for these costumes and the room)

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Where did Apple go wrong?

Dancing in the moonlightMaybe they should follow the IMVU model. Apple babies it’s developers. They should be attacking them and blaming them for things, not making it easy for them. Apple should institute the three strike rule and if three bugs are found in developers apps then they should be banned for LIFE!

Apple should allow the things they don’t want to go through so that afterwards they can attack the programmer for doing it. Apple should make vague rules and change them as they go, and enforce them without any recourse or appeal process. Think how much more money Apple could make if they charged the programmer 100% of the sales for any programs sold that had bugs in them!

Maybe even better, if they find a programmer with bugs in his or her programs they should ban that programmer and still sell all of that programmers other programs and keep all of the funds for themselves! Since they’re making so much money from users complaining about anything they should also allow users to file totally anonymous complaints against their programmers and assume they are guilty until proven innocent, because the more programmers they ban the more money they make!

Apple business model vs IMVUI was going to add a developer section to the website. Unfortunately the most important advice I have for you if you’re interested in developing is to use other accounts so that when you do get attacked (which with IMVU seems to be just a matter of time) they can’t steal as much from you.

Unfortunately in IMVU the more items you have made, the more at risk you are for getting complaints about things that might or might not even have been objectionable. Someone can just get mad at you because of some honest misunderstanding or a bad breakup and all of a sudden you are getting complaint after complaint and getting kicked out of the system you were trying to support.

Apple supports it’s customers and especially it’s developers way too much. It should do anything and everything to enforce its morals regardless of how much it hurts it’s supporters and its community. It’s all about money to IMVU and that’s how they make money (in the short run). Sure in the long run it hurts their community much more than it benefits them but new tech companies don’t make money because of the size of their user base or community, it’s just short term revenue. Oh wait tech companies do make much more from the size of their user base just than the actual revenues, at least the smart ones do.

Take Human Bites

Lil Fairy LoveWhen we chat we talk in short sentences or phrases. We don’t always punctuate everything or spell everything perfectly and we don’t talk in full paragraphs. So when you talk in ceremonies, weddings or things, even if you’re copying and pasting do it in smaller bites. It gives it more of a spoken feel and makes it feel more real and a better rhythm.

When you write in smaller blocks, it fits into the bubbles better, and you know you’re going at the right pace. If you paste a big block it’s harder to know how fast the user is reading and it’s easy to go to fast or too slow. And if you paste more than two bubbles it doesn’t show the whole thing in the bubbles. kaits butt biteme I like to video things and like to watch the bubbles in a crowded room because it’s easier to follow the thread and the right person.

If you’re copying and pasting, it’s really not much more effort to copy and paste a few more times. It’s not a big thing, but its especially important for screen shots and videoing because you only see the bubbles. This is just one of my pet peeves and I have it in a list of tips for IMVU weddings but not in its own post. So remember take Human Bites! I also like vampires too, so it works that way too ;)

IMVU is like Living in Disney World

IMVU is Adult DisneyI just got back from Disney World and can’t help but make a comparison here with IMVU. For me IMVU isn’t just like going to Adult Disney World. It’s not even like getting a season pass for the Adult Disney World. It’s like falling in love with the top ride designers, and living out every fantasy you can imagine with people actively trying to design the most amazing things ever, all to make you crazy head over heels in love! That’s all it is. And guess what, it totally works!

Katy bee dancin her ass offThey think I do a lot, I just ride and have the absolute time of my life!! And Love them more than I ever thought was even possible! That’s all… It’s just being head over heels with the most amazing people who constantly push your buttons and seem to be able to make you more and more in love every day… ALWAYS!

Then it’s sharing your heart and soul with the Queen of Happiness and better friendships than you ever had in real life. It’s more than passion, it’s honestly loving and sharing friendships, laughter, and tears. It’s almost unlimited sexy clothes, music and people that want to love and be with you all over the place. The only downside is there’s never enough time to see it all. It never closes and never gets old. It just gets better and better every day! It’s totally addicting and gets better and better every day.

Road Trip

road trip

The summer is almost over but I’m on my way to Disney World with my real life family. Its nice to get away but I miss everyone here.