IMVU is all about Friends

Exactly 7 months ago today, I stepped into IMVU. I didn’t know what it was or what I had gotten into. I was curious about being able to chat with people all over the world but I didn’t have a clue what to do or where to start or even if this was really what I wanted? It was fun to dress sexy and make different looks in IMVU, but choosing the right friends and build relationships can be very tricky! But after several weeks I met some people known and have become very special to me and I have to say, even a big part of my Life. Sometimes even bigger than my rl friends!!

Accepting people and building your friends list isn’t difficult in here, but finding the RIGHT people isn’t easy. Try to be yourself and be careful who you accept, ask before you send an invite. It takes some time before you know someone well enough to let your walls down speak and share your real heart felt feelings. Do not forget that behind all the pixels is someone with feelings and hopefully with their heart in the right place!

It feels really good to make close friends but it also hurts really bad when you lose that too. A little while ago I was thrown out of a room and immediately blocked by several people, wich I thought it where my friends simultaneously. At that moment I felt a lot of pain and briefly I thought that it could be better for me to leave IMVU. Luckily I stuck it out and made some new friends that I really love.

So as I look back after 7 months I can’t help but say the friends are amazing and why I’m here and what I love about IMVU. That’s why I wanted to shine the spotlight on all my dear, special friends. Ideally, I would like to thank everyone personally but I know they really appreciate this too and I won’t mention names so I don’t forget someone. The people who know me wwill smile when they read this. Thank you all for your sweet, loving and most dearest friendship in my life. I love you all so much…xxx

Like a teddy bear, full of love for my dear friends I like to say,
how you make my heart sing and how beautiful you are each day.
Your friendship and kindness makes me giggle always and today too,
I just love each day sharing my love and my friendship with you.

You all touched my heart and I thank you for the love we together share,
gives me giggles in my heart with the love together full of such care.
Like a teddy bear full of love and your precious friendship in every way,
I love you all my dear friends and this is all I needed to say…xxx

7 responses

  1. Nice post Wendy! I agree that it is all about the friends you make on here. I have been on here 8 months now and have made some friends that are very dear to me.. I have lost a few also. I have a similar story to yours about being thrown out! When i was very new (just past the big head stage) I made a friend! I fell head over heels and was constantly thinking about her. I would send messages 2 or 3 times a day and was so happy she was my friend! One day I was shopping (well every day I was shopping). I bought a new outfit.
    Then I saw that my friend was on-line! I was so excited to show it to her. I then saw that she was in a room. I decided to go to the room in my new outfit and surprise her. I was so excited to see her!! So in I went! It was like a ballroom dancing kind of room. I was booted! AND I was booted by my friend! Actually, was a little uncertain as to what exactly happened cause I was never booted before. I WAS devastated though! I was so hurt and i was thinking of just quiting imvu all together. Fortunately, I did not, and I really love it here and I love my friends I have made. Thanks for the nice post!

    July 31, 2012 at 8:37 am

    • Wendy

      Thank you so much for your comment Collette. Al I did where writing about my experiance and my feelings and to thank my wonderful and beloved friends I met in here. They really ment so much to me and I can’t say it enouch…thank you all :).

      Sometimes people can be very tough and forget who’s behind the pixels. Like in your situation, when you thought you known a person quiet well and who became very special to you. It’s hard when the kick you out and block you straight away without any comment at all!
      In my sitiuation it where 5 people at the same time…well it clean your friends list very quickly without you even asked for. And when you know the reason…they didn’t believe that I’m in love with the most sweetest girl I ever met. Well I can proudly say, we are dating now for 4 months and 7 days and it stil feel the same like the first day I met her :).

      And about leaving IMVU…i really thought about it and I thought I done everything wrong. Thanks to my dear beloved friend Kait and my thoughts about all my other friends I stayed in here and I’m glad you did the same to. Maybe we meet each other one day and I hope that I may be one of your friends. Kisses and hugs…xxx Wendy

      July 31, 2012 at 11:59 am

      • collettelilac

        Hi Wendy,
        Thanks for the replies! :)
        You may like this saying “A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out” Wow, 5 friends at once walked out. Friend short list! Kisses, Collette

        August 1, 2012 at 3:22 pm

  2. Wendy

    Well I like to write these lines below…hopefully this will show a lot about friendship!!

    * Friendship isn’t about whom you have to known the longest, it’s about who came and never left your side!!

    * Respect people who find time for you in their busy schedule, but love people who never look at their schedule when you need them!!

    July 31, 2012 at 12:02 pm

  3. Wow what great things and great friends!

    August 4, 2012 at 10:44 pm

  4. we’re glad you stayed too Wendy! thank you for sharing!

    August 12, 2012 at 9:56 am

  5. Pingback: Touching Hearts and Lives | Kaitlyn's IMVU Tips

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